Line Equation-Slope-Distance-Midpoint-Y intercept Calculator
Publish date: 2024-06-02
Free Line Equation-Slope-Distance-Midpoint-Y intercept Calculator - Enter 2 points, and this calculates the following:* Slope of the line (rise over run) and the line equation y = mx + b that joins the 2 points
* Midpoint of the two points
* Distance between the 2 points
* 2 remaining angles of the rignt triangle formed by the 2 points
* y intercept of the line equation
* Point-Slope Form
* Parametric Equations and Symmetric Equations
Or, if you are given a point on a line and the slope of the line including that point, this calculates the equation of that line and the y intercept of that line equation, and point-slope form.
Also allows for the entry of m and b to form the line equation
This calculator has 7 inputs.